Phone: +91-9442448111Counselling Code : 4928

Professional Societies

IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


1. To provide technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of the humanity.
2. To provide more opportunities, products and services , and to increase our value to professionals working in industries and entrepreneurs.
3. To develop programs in public service focused on knowledge and technology in our field of interest, related to public policy and humanitarian efforts.

Forthcoming Events / Activities

1. 1. Workshop on Matlab on Image Processing for Beginners
2.Seminar on Cybersecurity Applications
3.Weekly Presentation
4.Technical quiz

Past events / Activities

1.Workshop on Introduction to PCB Design, November 30 2021
2.Seminar on Challenges of Globe On-Demand Computing, November 22, 2021
3.Guest lecture on Verilog Programming, November 20, 2021
4.Technical Quiz October 11, 2021
5.Seminar on Iot In Health Monitoring System, October 9, 2021
6.Seminar on Wireless Sensor Technology, October 4, 2021
7. Workshop on “Application of Matlab on Biosignal Processing” on August 8th , 2019
8. One Day wokshop on robotics on March14 , 2019
9. One Day Workshop on MATLAB training for IMAGE Processing on April 6, 2019
10. IEEE SEMINAR ON PHOTOVOLTAICS on February 22, 2019
11. Weekly Presentation by IEEE students